Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lake Travis Summer Drought 2009

They said on the news last night that Lake Travis is at 40% capacity. If you doubled all of the water in the lake right now you still would not be at 100% for normal capacity. It is at it's 3rd lowest ever. Austin has had 68 consecutive over 100 degree days this summer. That is 1 away from tying the all time record since they started recording the temperatures in the mid 1800's. If we have one more we will tie the record and two more we will set a new all time record.

Pray for rain!


  1. Thanks Heather. This helps us to think hard about our water use. I've heard of people who are watering their lawn for hours on their watering day, in order to make up for not being able to water more often. This is a scarey attitude when the river is so dry. The aquafer is dry too. Water is so important to our lives, not just our lawns. Maybe severe drought conditions mean that our lawns just won't be so gorgeous this year. Me, I'm moving towards a xeroscaped yard, as are many of my neighbors.

  2. Heather,

    Thank you for putting this out in such a graphic manner. We must all conserve.

